A Brief Introduction

Get to know a little bit of the Sarah behind Snacks by Sarah. Photo Cred: Josie Cipriano [@josieciprianobranding]


Sarah Skeates

1/28/20222 min read

I started to write this blog post about 100 times, and I finally settled on this:

First, a little mini history: I’m Sarah Skeates, your friendly neighbourhood snack-maker. I’m a professional mom, a certified personal trainer, nutritionist-in-training and about a billion other things that make up my makeup. I’ve been in retail for what feels like 47 years (but is more like 17). I’ve held a plethora of jobs within merchandising, most recently as a buyer (or Category Manager). These last few years (and especially the last 6 months or so) have been a roller coaster to rival Behemoth or whatever that scary-ass ride is at Wonderland (and FYI I generally love roller coasters).

Despite the bags under my eyes, wrinkles on my forehead and a few extra greys, I wouldn’t trade the last years of my career for anything. The lessons I’ve learned, the wonderful mentors I’ve been lucky enough to learn from and the horrible bosses I’ve had to endure have been incredibly powerful experiences which have contributed to my growth as a businesswoman (and in every other aspect of my life).

That all said, I’m taking a leap of faith and treading through unknown waters to pursue my passion for food and togetherness, while putting my category management skills to very good use. I’m blessed in so many ways and I’m lucky in so many others, and I wouldn’t have taken even this first step without unconditional, unwavering support and love from my family.

I’ll be the first to admit, I don’t know much about owning a business, which means my journey is going to be interesting, or at minimum, entertaining, so I plan to document everything every step of the way in order to accomplish two things:

1)     To track my progress and remember exactly how I felt at the beginning of this adventure, so when times get tough, I’ll be reminded of my “why.”

2)     To maybe help the next new entrepreneur who may read this blog and either be inspired or at least have a laugh (or know they’re not alone).

Who knows what the future holds? I’m excited for a ‘choose your own adventure’ sort of career where I work hard as hell at all the things I love to do, and watch as the story unfolds into who knows what… There’s no limit to what I can accomplish. No limit to what I can learn, and do, and be. All I know is when I’m doing what I love, I’ll be successful. To some, that might mean money. To others, it’s time. It’s autonomy. It’s flexibility. Financial freedom! Less stress! NO stress! Adventure, travel, work from home, eat from home, stay at home, all the things from home! To me, it’s some of those qualities, absolutely, but at the end of the day, it’s being the best version of myself.

And making a living by making snacks… then writing about it.